Community. What is it?

It is all about me. At least this is what the media would like us to believe. It is all about getting more, having more, keeping up and moving up. All well and good until you stop, lose a job, a partner, a friend, a house and so forth. Then it is all about, "who is there for me?" Because, although society thrusts the notion of perfection upon us, no one wants to walk a tough road alone. Your community may be as small as family friends and co-workers or as big as neighborhoods co-operatives or nations. It doesn’t matter how big or small, all communities have to figure out how to function interdependently in order to meet the needs and wants of the individual and the group. For example, if you are in business, your community can be your business partners or those in the same business as you are in. When you buy a turnkey online store with products that ends up failing, it is these people in the same business that can advise you or help you see where you went wrong. ...